no more clothes for me unless I find a nice dress. Full stop.
Well then, I'll blog about yesterday. The photos made the food look less appetising than it was in actual fact though :/
Shokudo is found at the basement of raffles city, right at the end. Near those trolly shops.
As I said, its a marche style place, where they give you a card and order whatever food you want and just pay the bill at the end. However, you'll have to pay 100 bucks if you lose the card so the smartest option is to lose the card if were to buy food exceeding 100 bucks.
...unless they can track your original amount and make you pay that :S
Shokudo and waruku MIGHT be owned by the same company, cause Jas says the food is almost the same and the shop name's font looks the same too. The only difference is the ambience and she also says food in Shokudo is nicer.
Looks like I'm the only one that hasn't been to waraku :/ but I heard from them that the cold cream crab udon is delicious!
We chose a big table cause it was 2:30 pm then and the working crowd was gone. Don't forget that many students are still having school!
towards my right
left. Don' know why there's a person at the end of the table either, but its just to show the kind of table we've chosen. You see the stall at the end? The green stuff is the macha drink we got..
(we shared all the food btw)
Macha drink! (green tea) If you ever go to shokudo you HAVE to get it. From what I heard, they sell this green tea powder at muji too, 6 bucks for a pack enough to make 2 cups or something. This was 3.50, I think. So its really worth it ^_^
My brother's omelette rice. The eggy lump has rice underneath and I think it looks like icecream. First time seeing omu rice that's not wrapped up or folded over.
The rice had lots of tomato sauce in it (Y) and the sausage wasn't bad too.
Jasmine's hame and cheese omlette.
The white sauce is sweet, I think. The texture of the outer layer is really smooth, something I liked alot :D The cook poured beat up eggs in a big bowl onto this flat pan and fried it (obviously LOL), but I didn't get to see the whole process cause I was gonna order my cabonara by then.
I still haven't found a way to get rid of this red lighting problem...
that red splotch of thing on the cabonara is MENTAIKO.(yes this colour)
Delectable dish. The taste of the sauce was just right, although it became quite salty towards the middle cause of the mentaiko. Only problem... was that it was abit cold again :/
I have no idea why the price is the same as the bacon and ham one (which is much less expensive). Not that I mind :D I love mentaiko!
When I told the chef what I wanted, (I said: 'can I have the mentaiko cabonara?'), he was like, "什么? 门代勾?" Okay, not very funny but the way he said it was!
I suddenly forgot the name of the dish, somebody please enlighten me!
That flat piece of thing is made ENTIRELY out of potato. No eggs no nothing, its just long strips of potato fried in a patty form that comes with a bowl of japanese curry. Rather special dish but quite oily, the nice part of it was the crispy browning top :P
I'm a fan of potatoes btw :]
Seasoned jellyfish! Although the rest of the sashimi is still on the rather expensive side, this isn't. 2.50 for this bowl! It was really salty but the 口感 was good :D
Helps that its my favourite "topping" for sushi too. ^_^
Meanwhile, my bro and jas went to order this mango shaved ice.
It has real mango cubes that are sweet in a good way :D The mango sauce was just enough for that huge pile of ice, yup. But for me, the BEST part of this mountain of ice dessert isn't the ice, its the MACHA (green tea) ICE CREAM ON TOP.
Smooth macha ice cream not too sweet, not too sickeningly milky like the rest of the macha ice cream you see outside. :D
We moved the ice cream to the bottom cause it looked as if it was gonna topple anytime.
Overall rating for this dessert is 9/10. The missing 1 point goes to the fact that it made me shiver and my teeth chatter like hell. My brother ended helping me "get" a cup of hot water...only to find out that they charge 50 cents for water -__- That certainly made me better though.
Total was 55.xx I think. THANKS TO MY BRO FOR THE TREAT! haha. Its my first time going out with them. Surprising thing is...Its my first time going out with my brother O:
We chatted about everything north south east west after eating. Talking to them really made me feel determined to work harder in jc/poly. Because I really want to enter NUS (whatever faculty I haven't decided) and because both of them are PROs in their studies, I have motivation!!
You don' have to believe me all I need is to believe in myself that I'll do it!
and I think its quite interesting that I'm talking to somebody four years older (yes?) than me and that we can click quite well too :D next time yue wo chu qu again okay! (and have to bring my brother so i won't have to pay. LOL joking)
She had to leave at 4+ or 5 and I got to see somebody else too! (:P) Then my brother and I took the mrt home.
Technically, its been 3 years since I've known her btw. From end of 2007 to start of 2009. Quite hilarious that I used my bro's msn account to talk to her in hongkong then. We started talking about yamapi and gossiping about my brother and a whole load of other nonsense then xD Yah Jasmine you can come to our house next time k don't be jealous haha! Seeyou during cny maybe?
So I got the phone and talked to the person on the other end for quite long (won't reveal who LOL)! We annoyed my brother ALOT cause we kept gossiping and irritating and suaning him. REST OF THE CONVO SHALL BE KEPT TO MYSELF. HAHA.
But in the end I felt abit guilty for talking so much -__- See all girls are like that. All girls are kaypo people and males will NEVER understand why we're like that :P
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